Monday, July 30, 2012

HAZEL: If I wear a mask and love it, it is no longer a mask.

My life is a mask. "

" You obviously know more than I do.  If your face is unscarred and your masks are scarred --and you know that -- then, obviously you don't need any advice from me, my friend; I need advice from you. Lead on."

On another level, if I wear a mask and love it, it is no longer a mask. It reflects a face that exists somewhere in me, desperately seeking to be seen. Mask is its way of coming out in the open. Masks hide nothing and reveal a lot of choices I make. A mask is a declaration of what I want to look like, and what I want is a part of who I am; my wants also define me; they are my wants. These are my masks. Hence they speak my features.

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