Saturday, November 19, 2011

stray thoughts on bondage of desire

Desire is the mother not only of bondage but also of pain: nothing turns us into slaves more quickly than does desire. A constant vigil against desire is the only guarantee that we won't allow ourselves to suffer indignities and pain and disappointments. If you want to know what freedom really means, spend at least one hour daily, reflecting on whether all that you desire is really something you won't be able to live without. Slowly and slowly, your circle of desire would narrow down, and the burden of care and anxiety would correspondingly lessen. That is what makes a saint a true sovereign and perhaps the only truly free person. I went to sleep with some desires and woke up with a few more. The in a single moment, I imagined myself without those, and felt so light. Not to be misled, these are fleeting moments of freedom, till we we seriously begin to move towards saint-hood -- which incidentally has nothing to do with God. ( THIS OF COURSE IS A MERE REWORDING OF OFT-REPEATED IDEAS) Good Morning everyone -- everyone out there on this side of sunrise.

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