Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lord and Lover of Vrindavan and the Charioteer's Vision

Eternity is nothing but an hour after future, or a day before past.
I have gone beyond the need to wish you a happy new year, or happy anything else. For I know happiness resides in me, and in you, and it is there and will be there forever. The "aura of light" doesn't recognise the need for a calendar, as life does not keep a calendar; I am timeless as are you. Happiness is an age of eternity for it is an age of daring, of acceptance, of the knowledge that I am not larger than nature and God, nor smaller than either or even both of them put together. I am the life of God, the spirit that moves Him ( I wish there were a word for God which would be neither male nor female and yet living. But how does it matter if there is none so long as you and I understand what we mean by God, which is me whole and you whole. Do you think I am a male only? And do you look at yourself as a female only? May be you do some times, just to buy the luxury of harmless masochism .Why does one have to be a female only to have exclusive licence for Indulgence in self pity or even self laceration ? No sentiment is only and entirely male, nor could it be only and entirely female. I bestride all feelings, passions, thoughts, experiences which the entire human race has gone through. And not just human race; i have experienced the ignoble greed of a lizard, fox or a wild hyena ; and I carry in my bosom a thousand million fires that rage between earth and hell, the painful flames of female longings or hot saliva of the hunger that haunts a man's groins. And I have also nursed in my warm bosom the nobility of selfless love, love that seeks nothing but peace and happiness for the beloved. And I have experienced, and still experience the sublime dignity of a saint's all embracing love and kindness. And I have been a mother's heart to every suffering soul in the universe and a Father to all who need support, direction and shelter. I am the Lord Krishana of Varindavan and sit in the vision of the Charioteer in the blood soaked fields of Kurukshtra. Me too the anguished uncertainties of a soul riven between a vision he cannot deny - a vision that transcends human love as humans know it -- and a love and loyalty he cannot deny nor fail to rise to the peaks of his own vision. Do I need to remember dates, days, months or years? Is Mahabharta a a rainbow that appeared yesterday leaving no traces on the rain-washed sky? Is Mahabharta a story that is yet to be told but fragments of which have flashed across a half remembered dream ? Or is Mahabharta the rhythm of life that thumps against my chest each time I try to silence it in order to make peace with my dreams? Or is it a loop over locking itself into yesterday, today and tomorrow, all sucked in by something like a black hole to race forward to the past or back to the future. Images flit and fleet and flash before the broken memories that do not belong to the past. A vision is nothing but a memory of the things yet to happen, and memory is only past rolled forward into the present. You are the only synthesiser God has ever created to condense time into throbbing dot on a vast vacuum , the throbbing blob we call present. You and I and all those we know and do not know, all those who have ever lived - man, bird, fish or beast- or will ever live. They all spring from the blob which we call present. Which we call present because our eye is stuck too close to this dot of the present moment to see that the past and the future have no life beyond the present. Happy new year was yesterday, the day before and the day after the day after the day after today. And happy new year today, because the cycle of time has neither a beginning nor an an ending point. and the cycle of time is merely the present going round and round in endless circles. If you look ahead from where you stand, you look at the future but if you keep looking far enough over the cycle, its line will the starting point from behind and the future will end up joining the moment just passed. Just as you can reach a point placed half an inch behind you by travelling the entire planet in the opposite direction. If you merely look back, the farthest point of future would be where the the nearest point of the past is, and that the point of your most distant future would be the point of your immediate past. So you can reach the past by travelling the whole distance into the future, or you can reach future by travelling the whole distance into the past. I am the slain prophet who rose from his ashes to come back to the point in history which had thus crucified him. I am also the tyrant who persecuted the prophet because I could not see that the future already belonged to my past and there was nothing new i could do. We force events to happen because we believe that this is the only way to move time forward. No event, no movement, and therefore no future. Do you also think and feel this way? You don't because you have already looked far into the past , or enough for the past to join up with what looks like future if we only turned our face in the opposite direction. No you will not be tied in knots of past present and future because you already know the history of your future, which is nothing but your past a day after future.. Just as you can anticipate your past because anticipation is nothing but future seen a day before the past. You know that the only reality of time is love, and the only reality of love is timelessness. And no one has to be an enlightened visionary to see that there is no difference between time and timelessness. One only has to be in love to know that neither does time move nor does it stand still. It is, so to say, always moving into itself and thus going nowhere. Meera is one of your histories and Helen of Troy is another. And every woman to be born from this moment would be your other histories. You are the mother of the mad man from Nazareth in one direction and you will be his prostitute in times after the universe as we know it will have come to an end. The universe as it is never comes to an end just as it never could have begun. Changing shapes and changing forms, yes, but never beginning nor ending. How could it, how could it at all have begun? For it to have a beginning, there would have to be something before the beginning . What could that be if there was no universe before the beginning of the universe? For it to end, there will have to be something after the end. And what will that be if there is to be no universe after the end of the universe? Universe is like God --always present. Universe is like you, matter to mind, mind to matter, in rapid-fire and endless interplay of forms. Never going anywhere, never coming from anywhere. Never coming forth from a past, because for that it would have to have a beginning, for which again the universe would have to have a universe before its beginning. Nor going forth into the future because it can not have an end. To have an end, there will have to be no universe after the end of the universe, and that is not possible. So you don't get to fathom the full length of time, the full volume of space , the all measure of events. But there is one key: love. For if you are in love, you are one with the whole. You measure the whole with your being which is absolute. Only in love can you see the timelessness of time. Only in love can you spread your body across the length and breadth of space without end. Love is God because love neither ends nor does it know its beginning, because for love to begin, a heart will have to be loveless before falling in love. A loveless heart can never fall in love. And for love to end, the heart will have to turn into heartlessness. That is not the nature of heart. Yes, a desire can begin and a desire can end. But there is no such thing as "a love." There is only love. Love on. Every moment will be a happy moment. Even pain would be priceless for through pain alone will happiness be felt. --

1 comment:

Chitleen said...

..I have been following your blog now for the past few weeks and to be honest I am amazed at what you write. I think you are brilliant and a class far above the mitch albom and the paulo coelho s of our times. please get down to writing all this as a book. You should be saying this to a much larger audience.
You are "great" and i feel proud that i know you.