Friday, May 21, 2010

Classics and best sellers

We read new books because our mind is is always seeking expansion into new, unknown, unheard of zones.And the same mind seeks the same zones by looking for and often finding new ways of looking at the old familiar zones. To aevey new reader, an old classic is as much new as a new ... See Morebook by the latest author. But classics obviously have date lines. This is how classics differ from best sellers that come and go. A classic is an all time best seller if an appreciative audience/readership/ viewership is what it seeks as a price. Thanks for raising such perceptive questions. You surely make our minds dive deeper to look for pearls hiddenat the bottom of the seas. A classic is also an answer to the questions raised audibly or silently like this.

A classsic has no date-line. This is how classics differ from best sellers that come and go. A classic is an all time best seller as an appreciative audience is what it seeks as price.

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