Thursday, March 3, 2011

Evolution and the prophesy of death

Evolution and the prophesy of death

Evolution has unleashed awesome powers of intelligence in man but does not seem to have endowed him with the wisdom to use that. From the way most of us use it most of the times, intelligence appears to be the last halt before total annihilation of a rare civilization in the vastness of this universe. All great minds have been concerned with this destructive paradox but all human endeavor appears bent upon fulfilling a fatal prophesy inherent in evolution. We seem to be in a not too secret and willing conspiracy with our death. With the development of human intelligence, evolutionary design appears to have completed its cycle of birth and death to prepare the ground for a re-incarnated version of the drama of life.Was that what the Hindu scriptures mean by the trinity of creation, preservation and annihilation -- and a possible re-birth. If that is so, it is about time to prepare for a grand celebration of an ignominious exit

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