Monday, December 11, 2017

Is life merely a dimension of reality?

Is life, as we understnd it, merely a dimesion - one of the infinite number of realities that exist as close to our skin as a thin layer of water spread across a body?  Everyday these days, we get to read more and more about scientific findings that hint towards the existence of multiple dimensions, with our universe - or reality as we know and experience it - existing on only one of these dimesnions. And as a sub-reality, we experience three dimensional space with Time as the fourth dimension. In order to understand this concept,we can visualise. infinite thin plates of computer images coexisting along or , may be, across one another. All that we now up to today, al that the discoveriscuuience has revealed to us is a mere sliver of a vast Reality made of multiverses, uncounted and uncountable.

The is not just profound. This is overwhelming - even befuddling.

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