Monday, May 23, 2011

Snippets from facebook: Is morality not a psychopathic obsession

Books and dead men are often worshiped as holy because they are not here to stop the hypocrisy we practise in their name. For example neither Guru Nanak nor Sr Ram are ever likely to come and tell you that its idiocy to parade their names, books or pictures in processions through bazars and streets. Don't we know how upset they would be with what we do in their name?

Is morality not a psychopathic obsession with code at the expense of genuine, straight-from-the-heart goodness.?

The only justification for vulgar display of religiosity is competitive stupidity.This applies as much to processions taken out generally to the inconvenience of 'God's children' as to the use of loud speakers on private-public religious recitations/singing of hymns etc.

In religion, past is often an excuse to avoid the future, and future often an excuse to avoid the present.

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